
5 Facts for Staying Healthy in Winter

From the time we are young, we hear advice about how to stay healthy in the cold weather. Some of this advice is common sense, but some of it is based on common misunderstandings. Understanding the truth behind these myths will help you to stay healthier this winter.

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Immune Supplements That Are Better Together

Many immune support supplements complement one another, and some even work better when combined. Pairing the right ingredients together can help boost bioavailability while offering complementary benefits for immune support. Here are a few supplements that work well as a team.

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Natural Immune Boosters That Work

Fall is around the corner, and that means another flu and cold season is about to kick off. While there’s no proven cure for the common cold, these natural immune boosters have been scientifically shown to provide crucial support to your immune system when it needs it most.

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Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune Health

Your immune system is one of the most important parts of your body. It’s in charge of helping you fight off various illnesses and harmful bacteria. In 2020, it’s crucial that we all maintain excellent immunity as we try to collectively recover from COVID-19. However, many folks want to boost their immunity without taking extra drugs [...]

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Spring into Health: What Vitamins You Should Be Taking This Season

Spring is right around the corner, and quickly following behind that will be summer. If you’re like me and live in a colder climate, the thought of warmer weather has you as excited as Olaf the Snowman. But rising temperatures also mean that our bodies will start to lose important nutrients.

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How to Avoid a Vitamin D Deficiency during the Winter

As children, we were always told to finish our milk because that’s what would help us build strong bones. And the reason is that it contains both calcium and Vitamin D1 – two essential ingredients linked to healthy bones. However, the unfortunate part is Vitamin D isn’t naturally occurring in many foods. One of the most [...]

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5 Vitamins & Supplements for Healthy Sleep

Studies show that roughly a third of adults aren't getting enough sleep. So, what can we do to improve our sleep? It really comes down to diet, but getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need can be difficult. That's why taking supplements to fill in any gaps that you may be missing can help you catch some zzz's.

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Why Seniors Are at an Increased Risk for Vitamin D Deficiency during Winter

Our body relies on vitamins and minerals to keep our health at optimal levels. This is true, regardless of our age but when we get older, our risk for deficiencies increases for a number of reasons. Perhaps the primary reason is an inability of the body to absorb the nutrients from the food we eat. [...]

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4 Reasons Why You Need More Vitamin D This Winter

One of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle this winter is to get more vitamin D. It is an essential micronutrient that is produced naturally when we expose our skin to sunlight. Unfortunately, many of us don't have the ability to get out in the sun because of work, school, or the weather. 

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Do You Still Need to Take Vitamin D in The Summer?

The 'sunshine vitamin' is a fat-soluble vitamin that is also considered a pro-hormone, since the body can produce it with sunlight. Vitamin D is essential for supporting heart health, a strong immune system, healthy skin, and strong bones and teeth by promoting the absorption of calcium1. It’s also a helpful nutrient when dealing with mood imbalances.

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