Which Foods Provide B Vitamins On a Vegan Diet

Which Foods Provide B Vitamins On a Vegan Diet

A whole food, plant-centered diet has many health benefits1. But it's common for 'newbie' vegans and vegetarians to struggle with getting enough vitamins and minerals in their new diets. One study showed that vitamin B12 deficiency affects 86 percent of all vegans2.

If you are looking for the best foods to eat that are high in B vitamins3, you're in luck! There are plenty of interesting and delicious foods that provide B vitamins for those on a vegetarian diet. Here are a few:

1. Avocados: High in potassium and fiber, avocados provide vitamin B3, vitamin B5, and vitamin B7.

2. Dark, Leafy Greens: Get your vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B7 and vitamin B9 through leafy greens such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard, mustard greens and arugula. When buying, opt for organic leafy greens to minimize exposure to pesticides.

3. Lentils: A mainstay in many vegetarian diets – are a good source of vitamin B1 and vitamin B9.

4. Nuts: By adding peanuts, walnuts and almonds to your diet, you will be getting more vitamin B7 as well as vitamin B1.

5. Beans: A good vegetarian source of protein, beans – especially black beans – are also a good source of vitamin B1.

6. Broccoli And Cauliflower: These cruciferous vegetables are a good source of vitamin B7, along with mushrooms.

7. Sweet Potatoes And Carrots: Go orange to get your vitamin B3! Both are good vegetarian food sources of B3.

8. Bananas: Peel a banana and you’ll be getting some extra vitamin B6 into your diet.

It is best to try and eat these foods 'raw' when possible. Many important nutrients, including B vitamins, are produced by bacteria in the soil. The way that we clean and cook our foods today is one reason we don't get all the same vitamins and minerals our ancestors did. You can also supplement your B vitamins with NATURELO's Plant-Based B Complex, made with organic fruits and vegetables.


1. Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets, 2013 Spring; 17(2): 61–66

2. The prevalence of cobalamin deficiency among vegetarians assessed by serum vitamin B12: a review of literature, 06 July 2016

3. Harvard School of Health: The Nutrition Source, B Vitamins