4 Reasons Why You Need More Vitamin D This Winter

4 Reasons Why You Need More Vitamin D This Winter

One of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle this winter is to get more vitamin D. It is an essential micronutrient that is produced naturally by the body when we expose our skin to sunlight. Unfortunately, many of us don't have the ability to get out in the sun because of work, school, or the weather. As a result, we might be lacking in vitamin D, which can cause some serious health problems, including:

1. Compromised Immune System: If we don't have an adequate amount of vitamin D, our natural defense system may be compromised. As a result, we may be increasingly susceptible to infectious agents1.

2. Increased Risk Of Chronic Disease: If your vitamin D levels are low, it has been shown to coincide with higher than normal risks of a number of different types of cancer and heart disease2.

3. Heightened Inflammation: Getting adequate vitamin D is important for regulating inflammation in all parts of the body3.

4. Injury Due To Falling Down: When an older person has low levels of vitamin D, they are at a greater risk of falling down. Considering the possibility that they may also have weaker bones, a simple fall could lead to chronic pain or even a hip fracture4.

If you live in the United States north of the latitude line that runs from Atlanta to LA, you will unlikely be synthesizing enough vitamin D naturally during the winter time. The angle of the sun will be too steep to provide you with adequate sunlight. It is helpful to know your vitamin D levels in both the summer and winter to adjust your supplementation as needed.

To make sure you are getting enough vitamin D this winter, we recommend you take NATURELO's Plant-Based Vitamin D supplement made from wild harvested lichen.

References: 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3166406/, Vitamin D and the Immune System, 2012 Aug 1
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2851242/, Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease, 2010 Apr 8
3. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/04/090408140208.htm, Vitamin D Deficiency Related To Increased Inflammation In Healthy Women, April 14, 2009