At What Age Do I Need to Start Taking Collagen Supplements?
Collagen makes up approximately 30% of your total body protein and 75% of your skin. It gives your skin elasticity while keeping it firm, makes your hair shiny, and keeps your nails strong1.
There are more than 28 different types of collagen, but the three most abundant are Types I, II, and III2:
Type I: The most abundant form of collagen that is found in tendons and throughout the body. It's a key building block for hair, skin, nail, blood vessel, and teeth health.
Type II: This type of collagen structure is found in joint cartilage.
Type III: This is the second most abundant form of collagen and is found in association with Type I collagen.
Your body naturally produces the collagen it needs, but around the age of 25, production starts to decline by about 1-2% each year3. By the time a woman reaches the age of 40, she will have lost between 10-20% of her collagen3. Most of the changes in your skin caused by aging happen in the dermis layer, which loses about 20-80% of its thickness. Some of the signs of collagen depletion include:
- Loss of skin elasticity
- Sagging
- Increase of wrinkles
- Loss of volume
- Changes in the color and texture of the skin
During the first 5 years following menopause, there is a sharp decline of collagen production due to a significant drop in estrogen levels4. The lack of estrogen makes our skin thinner and less elastic, which leads to more wrinkling and sagging. The collagen levels in your skin can decrease by up to 30% during this time. By the time a woman reaches the age of 50, she may have lost up to half of the collagen in her skin.
Taking a collagen supplement can help compensate for the loss of collagen that occurs when you age. You can start taking a supplement in your 20s to get a head start, or start taking collagen later when collagen loss accelerates. Just remember that it’s never too early or too late to start taking a collagen supplement. Try our NATURELO Collagen Peptides Powder for a natural collagen boost that's easy to incorporate into a daily drink.