Why Calcium Is Useless Without Magnesium
Most people would be considered calcium deficient, especially if they do not get enough dairy in their daily diet. It tends to be a problem for individuals who are vegan or lactose intolerant and if you fall into one of those categories, you're probably not getting enough calcium every day.
The guidelines for calcium are relatively straightforward. You should be above 1000 mg but stay under 2000 mg daily1.
Your doctor can give you a test that will check for hypocalcemia. If you've never heard of that condition before, it is just the medical way of saying that you don't have enough calcium in your system1.
Magnesium: Many people don't really think much about magnesium, other than the possibility of remembering learning about it in science class. But it is important to recognize what is behind magnesium as far as your diet is concerned.
The majority of the population is deficient in magnesium. In fact, eight out of 10 people could use more magnesium in their diet2. For some, it is a matter of not getting enough in their diet or through supplementary form but it can also be reduced by many factors in the standard American diet, including sodas, pastries, caffeine and alcohol.
When you have a sufficient amount of magnesium, it can help you to sleep soundly. It also has an effect on your blood sugar levels, blood pressure, nerve and muscle function. In addition to those benefits, it can help generate bone, DNA and protein3.
Why is this important to know?
A combination of calcium and magnesium is one of the most important factors for the health of many people. It is that combination that can help to lower blood pressure and even reduce belly fat4.
The problem is, most people are getting far too much calcium in their diet in comparison to magnesium. In fact, the typical ratio is 10:1. When the balance is off to that extent, magnesium does not get absorbed properly and that can lead to some health issues, including anxiety, fatigue, muscle failure and many others.
High blood pressure is one of the leading factors associated with stroke and heart disease5.
Carrying around too much belly fat can also lead to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even cancer.
It can be difficult to hit the 1:1 ratio, especially if your magnesium intake is low or if the supplement you are taking provide more calcium than they do magnesium. Finding the right supplement is the key and makes it a no-brainer.
References: 1. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Calcium-HealthProfessional/, Calcium, September 26, 2018 2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25540137, Magnesium in man: implications for health and disease, 2015 Jan;95(1):1-46. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00012.2014 3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4455825/, Magnesium basics, February 5, 2012 4. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/key-minerals-to-help-control-blood-pressure, Key minerals to help control blood pressure, July 2014 5. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/high-blood-pressure/art-20045868, High blood pressure dangers: Hypertension's effects on your body, November 23, 2016