Do You Still Need to Take Vitamin D in The Summer?

Do You Still Need to Take Vitamin D in The Summer?

The 'sunshine vitamin' is a fat-soluble vitamin that is also considered a pro-hormone, since the body can produce it with sunlight. Vitamin D is essential for supporting heart health, a strong immune system, healthy skin, and strong bones and teeth by promoting the absorption of calcium1. It’s also a helpful nutrient when dealing with mood imbalances2. 

There are two forms of vitamin D supplementation: D2 (ergocalciferol, which is plant-based3) and D3 (cholecalciferol, which is animal-based or Lichen, which is plant-based4). Looking at a study conducted by the American Society for Nutrition, the D3 form of vitamin D is more effective at raising your levels of vitamin D efficiently. There are more than 3 million cases of vitamin D deficiency a year in the United States5

Taking Vitamin D in The Summer Versus The Winter

During the summer months, we go outside in the warmth and sunlight. This is why our bodies get more of the vitamin D we need. It generally takes around 15 to 20 minutes of direct sunlight 2 to 3 days a week for your body to make a sufficient amount of vitamin D. But make sure to protect your skin and wear sunscreen when you expose yourself to the sun. If you don't get outside very often, then it is best to take a vitamin D supplement. 

In the winter, you are less exposed to the sun, which is why you will most likely want to up your intake of vitamin D. If you live in the United States north of the latitude line that runs from Atlanta to LA, you will unlikely be synthesizing enough vitamin D naturally during the winter time. The angle of the sun will be too steep to provide you with adequate sunlight. It is helpful to know your vitamin D levels in both the summer and winter to adjust your supplementation as needed.

To make sure you are getting enough vitamin D, we recommend you take NATURELO’s Plant-Based Vitamin D supplement made from wild harvested lichen.

3. Vitamin D in plants: a review of occurrence, analysis, and biosynthesis, 2010 Aug;54(8):1055-61. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.200900578