Benefits Of Plant-Based Calcium
Algae calcium, also known as Algas calcareas, comes from red ocean algae. It is typically found attached to other algae or in tropical reefs. These kiwi-sized balls of living algae attach to seaweed on the ocean floor, until they eventually detach and find their way to shore, where they can be harvested.
Red algae is more complex than other types of algae on a structural and cellular level. What makes Algas calcareas unique is that its mineral composition is very similar to that found in human bones. Unlike traditional rock calciums, algae calcium is naturally full of dozens of trace minerals that support the metabolism of calcium in the body. These minerals have also been "predigested" by the plant, making them easier for the body to absorb.
What makes algae calcium different?
Most bone health supplements are made with rock-based calcium, such as calcium citrate and calcium carbonate, which is derived from mined marble or limestone. Since rocks are not usually part of the human diet, this is not the way our bodies were designed to absorb calcium.
Though rock calcium has been shown to help slow age-related bone loss, research suggests that algae calcium is more effective at slowing bone loss and promoting new bone growth. This may be because algae calcium comes naturally partnered with magnesium and other trace minerals that support calcium absorption into the body.
Our NATURELO Bone Strength supplement is made with plant-based calcium and magnesium from algae, as well as plant-based vitamin D3 from lichen, vitamin C from Acerola cherry, and other important minerals for bone health.
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20528255, Safety and toxicological evaluation of AlgaeCal (AC), a novel plant-based calcium supplement, 2010 Jul;20(6):334-44. doi: 10.3109/15376516.2010.490966
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_algae, Red algae
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2413314/, Change in bone mineral density as a function of age in women and men and association with the use of antiresorptive agents, 2008 Jun 17; 178(13): 1660–1668