A whole food, plant-centered diet is great for your health and for healthy aging. But it's easy to fall short of key nutrients that your body needs. It's smart to supplement your plant-based diet with a few vitamins and minerals that may be scarce in your food. Here are our top 5 recommended supplements for vegans.
Read moreMany people suffer from magnesium deficiency and don't even know it. In fact, it has been estimated that more than 50% of adults in the United States don’t get the recommended daily amount of magnesium from the foods they eat. Here are the best food sources of magnesium.
Read moreIf you're looking for ways to keep your immune system strong, you should make sure to include these foods in your diet.
Read moreYou can tell a lot about a person's health and diet by looking at their hair, nails, and skin. Toxic overload, stress, and a poor diet can all contribute to lackluster skin, dry hair, and brittle nails that never seem to grow. The good news is that when you eat healthier, it also shows. Here are 5 superfoods that can help support amazing hair, nails, and skin.
Read moreVeganuary is a movement that has been around for a while, but it is really picking up steam in 2019. It is a pledge that people make to eat a plant-based diet for the first month of the year. Now that vegan options are easier to obtain and less expensive, there seems to be a [...]
Read moreWhat makes Algas calcareas unique is that its mineral composition is very similar to that found in human bones. Unlike traditional rock calciums, algae calcium is naturally full of dozens of trace minerals that support the metabolism of calcium in the body.
Read moreMultiple studies show that omega-3s can help regulate inflammation, balance blood triglycerides, and protect your brain health as you age. The best known omega-3 sources are fatty fish, but did you know that you can get omega-3 fatty acids from plant-based foods too? Here are the top 5 plant-based sources.
Read moreAcerola is a shrub or small tree that bears a delicious cherry-like fruit. Native to Mexico, South America, and Central America, this fruit has been prized for thousands of years by various indigenous cultures. Acerola is an excellent source of vitamin C, which provides many health benefits.
Read moreOne of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle this winter is to get more vitamin D. It is an essential micronutrient that is produced naturally when we expose our skin to sunlight. Unfortunately, many of us don't have the ability to get out in the sun because of work, school, or the weather.
Read moreA stroke can be devastating and deadly1. Understanding the signs of a stroke is extremely important so that help can be administered as soon as possible. The damage is caused by an interruption of the blood supply to the brain2. Make sure to know these classic stroke symptoms and take action: 1. Sudden loss of vision [...]
Read moreHave you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you went in there in the first place? It happens to all of us. But research suggests that certain healthy lifestyle habits can help keep your memory sharper. Try one or more of these simple tips to help sharpen your memory.
Read moreA healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to support a healthy inflammation response, healthy heart, and healthy brain function. New research suggests that it may even make a difference with some childhood behavioral problems.
Read moreIf you suffer from any of the following symptoms then you may have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome): Constipation, bloating & gas, abdominal aches or cramps, and acid reflux. What is IBS? IBS is a digestive disorder that is a combination of symptoms. It includes a change in bowel movements and pain in the abdomen. The symptoms can [...]
Read moreWant to increase your intake of fiber, vitamins, and minerals? Then make sure to eat your greens! Kale, collards, beet greens, and bok choy are inexpensive sources of vital nutrients and offer numerous health benefits. Here are our picks for leafy greens that you should include in your diet.
Read moreBreakfast? Lunch? When do you take your supplements? The answer depends on the type of vitamins. If you're taking a multivitamin, the best time of day is usually the morning with your first meal. That's because vitamins are best absorbed into the body with food. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are stored in [...]
Read moreCollagen makes up approximately 30% of your total body protein and 75% of your skin. It gives your skin elasticity while keeping it firm, makes your hair shiny, and keeps your nails strong. Your body naturally produces the collagen it needs, but as you age, collagen production begins to decline.
Read moreA common problem that many women deal with on a monthly basis is pain associated with their menstrual cycle. Some women may consider it to be a nuisance, but it can sometimes impact that affects their quality of life. Although most women suffer from it, very few realize that eating the right foods can improve [...]
Read moreOur eyes are incredible organs that allow us to view the world around us. They are constantly exposed to stimulation, yet work efficiently to process all this information. Unfortunately, digital screen time, lifestyle, and aging can cause stress on your eyes. Visible light is defined by how long the wavelengths are and how much energy is [...]
Read moreThe right nutrition can help keep your hair strong and healthy. Try to eat foods rich in protein, beta-carotene, folate, biotin, and omega-3s. By incorporating the following foods into your meals, you'll be eating your way to shinier, stronger, more vibrant hair.
Read moreVitamin B7, commonly known as biotin, is important for keeping your skin, hair, and nails healthy. Your body also uses biotin to process any food you eat into usable energy, and any food not used for energy into fat. Because your body needs biotin for this process, a deficiency can cause health problems like fatigue, weight gain, and weight loss resistance.
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